170th Anniversary Show
Saturday 5 October, 2024


Entry forms for the Toodyay Agricultural Show’s general, art and equestrian classes, and the Society Membership form.

Take part in The Toodyay Agricultural Show

Each year the Toodyay Agricultural Show hosts a plethora of competitions you can enter…

Sheep, goats, cattle, alpaca, wool, fleeces, farm crops, poultry, equestrian events, needlework, weaving, home produce, fruit ‘n’ vegetables, apiculture, patchwork, quilting, floriculture, hand spinning, hobby crafts, cookery, art, photography, woodwork and school displays.

It doesn’t matter your skill level, you have to be in it to win it!

Notice: Exhibitor and Competitor Responsibilities

Exhibitors and competitors are responsible for understanding and discharging their obligations in relation to animal welfare, traceability and biosecurity of livestock and animals within their care.

  • Exhibitors/competitors must not bring sick or injured livestock to an event.
  • Livestock are to be loaded and transported in accordance with www.mla.com.au/fittoload and www.animalwelfarestandards.net.au/land-transport/
  • Livestock attending the event must be accompanied by the relevant movement document and www.farmbiosecurity.com.au/toolkit/declarations-and-statements/ and a copy provided to the nominated TAS representative.
  • All animals must be appropriately identified according to state legislation, this may include a brand, ear tag or microchip depending on the species.
  • Livestock are not permitted to graze in shared areas. Grazing at the grounds is at the risk of the exhibitor.
  • Ensure livestock and companion animals go into a clean yard, pen or cage upon arrival.
  • Facilities in which livestock and companion animals are housed are to be kept clean and free of manure for the duration of the event. This includes feeding and watering facilities.
  • Exhibitor/competitor vehicles that are onsite should be clean of gross contaminants such as mud and manure
  • All exhibitors and competitors should minimize unnecessary contact with other exhibitors’ and competitors’ livestock and companion animals, and should wash hands thoroughly after handling animals.
  • Exhibitors should also limit sharing of equipment and tack. Any equipment bought onto the site must be brought to the event clean.
  • Livestock and companion animals that become sick whilst at the Show are to remain in their housed area and must be reported to the Event Biosecurity Manager or Event Veterinarian immediately. Keep other livestock, companion animals and people away from the animal until directed by the Event Veterinarian or Biosecurity Event Manager.
  • Livestock returning home should be isolated for 7-21 days and kept under observation for any signs of disease.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for complying with NLIS, animal movement requirements and other biosecurity requirements relevant to the species (e.g. for cattle tick).